Monday, February 4, 2013

Trade with Old Foul Cardboard

Picking things back up with the blog now! Now that Blogger has fixed the photo upload button, the next few posts will be recounting a string of recent trades. Like this one, with irondequoit of Old Foul Cardboard:

OFC shot me an email asking if I were interested in exchanging some of his unwanted Chipper Jones cards for Yankees, Bruins, Jim Palmer, and some others. You can see what I sent his way here.

On to the spoils!

I've never seen any cards from this set before:

Pacific was and is always an interesting card manufacturer. It's notable, for example, that though this card is a 1999 issue, the highlight is from Chipper's rookie season 6 years before. Okay.

This card is cool, in the words of a blog title. I think CJ can pull off the "hardscrabble" Western-look better than, Barry Bonds, though.

Chipper Jones looks like a phantom in these 1997 SPx cards! The bottom is, I think, a silver parallel of the top version. The back is completely in black and white instead of being full-bleed color, like the red base card.

Some recent-year stuff was in the package too! Question: If diamond- and gold-themed cards have been the thing for 2011 and 2012 Topps, what is the motif for 2013?
Closing out with a Chipper Jones sneer. This is actually a pretty classy-looking card; it is a 2001 Donruss Elite Series numbered 0719/2500.

Thanks to OFC for the Chipper-filled trade!

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